My Chance to Meet King Puss

I have just received an invitation to the launch of OUP’s Journal of Intellectual Property Law on 5 Dec which is edited by none other than Jeremy Phillips of IP-Kat. Not only that but the commissioning editor is Sarah Harris. She is almost a local girl since she edited Sweet’s Entertainment Law Review from Halifax for a year or so. Although entertainment law is not my first love I contributed to that journal whenever I could simply because it was good to have an IP publication in the North.

The advance access to the journal has some very interesting articles. Particularly timely, perhaps, in view of the 37 interdicts obtained from the Court of Session at the BCPC Crop Science & Technology conference in Glasgow last month is Philippe de Jong article “Patent infringements at international fairs–cross-border enforcement through Belgian summary proceedings.” It looks good for JILP. I wish them every success.

About Jane Lambert

I am a barrister specializing in intellectual property, technology, media and entertainment and competition law. I specialize in helping SME (small and medium enterprises) protect and exploit their investment in brands, design, technology and the arts. SME require intellectual property (legal protection for their intellectual assets) at least as much as big business but their limited means restrict the way they can use it. Looking after such clients wisely requires skills and knowledge which have taken me years to learn.
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